
Airports are environments in which drainage solutions with very specific requirements are required.
Their runways have a combination of the largest surfaces to be drained, the traffic with the highest axle and wheel loads, with great axial efforts in manoeuvres and braking, and the highest requirements in terms of safety.
With our range of drainage solutions we are able to respond to these needs up to Load Class F900, as well as those required in other areas within the complex, such as vehicle parking areas.
Our solutions: Civil-S, Civil-F, KompaqDrain compact trench drains and the versatile MultiV+ series.
Drainage channels for Airports

Monolithic trench drain with built-in grating in a single body, for medium or high loads, specially designed for intense vehicle traffic. Useful for medium-high hydraulic requirements.

Trench drains with versatile uses suitable for intermediate loads and road traffic for areas of low and medium hydraulic requirements

Civil - F
Trench drains for large loads and all types of hydraulic requirements