Drainage channel with a built-in and self-cleaning effect

There are multiple benefits to installing channels with a built-in slope, but today we are going to focus on the self-cleaning effect.
What is the self-cleaning effect?
This effect is caused by gravity and the force of the water, which is generated by the channel's slope.
When water enters the channel, it plunges down the slope at a faster speed than in channels with no slope, and it drags away dirt that can sometimes accumulate inside the channel.
In other words, the water cleans the channel. This is important, especially in areas where waste accumulation is often a difficult issue to address.
For example, at this composting centre in Ferrara, Italy, where F250 channels were installed at different heights with a 2.5% slope.
In total, 280 linear metres were installed and, thanks to their self-cleaning effect, the organic waste that falls to the ground and enters the channel is dragged by the water, helping to keep the drainage line clean and operational, thus reducing maintenance tasks.
Here is the channel during the installation phase, where you can see the inside of it. Can you see the slope in this picture?
For further information about this type of installation, please contact us.