ULMA launches a new video of it's 2,5% sloped channel

ULMA has developed a video about it's channel with built-in 2,5% slope.
These channels are the only ones on the market with a real slope of 2.5% which, thanks to their marked slope, provide greater hydraulic capacity, and resolve the slope limitations that can be found in some places.
Main Advantages
Hydraulic capacity -100 l/s in 20 ml. * Study conducted by the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
Self-cleaning effect that allows the inside of the channel to remain clean at a low flow rate (from rainwater). It obtains a greater capacity to remove the sediment that can accumulate during heavy rains. This leads to a reduction in the need for maintenance.
Possibility of installing up to 40 ml. It is possible to install two sections of 20 metres each, with a single water outlet.