2 in 1: Discretion plus hydraulic capacity

I don't know about you, but since the start of the pandemic, some of my daily habits have changed.
For example: I go shopping once a week.
I used to go almost every day, but as a result of the lockdown, I am now in the habit of going once a week and doing my weekly shopping. I save quite a lot of time actually.
And whenever I go shopping, I always take the opportunity to put petrol in the car.
That is another habit I’ve have changed.
Let's face it. Supermarket service stations are generally cheaper, and with the way fuel prices are, if a visit to the supermarket saves time and money, then this is a win win situation.
I suppose that like me there are many people who do the same.
So, if you are one of them, you are in Catalonia, and you shop at the Bon Preu Esclat hypermarkets, I'm going to give you some homework: the next time you go to fill up at the service station, take a look at their drainage system.
I'll tell you why.
For those of us who are not from Catalonia, Bon Preu Group is a Catalan company in the food sector that has been operating since 1974. Its brand Bon Preu Esclat, are large hypermarkets with petrol stations located next to the establishment. You can find them in towns such as Girona, Manresa, Igualada and Sant Cugat, among many others.
Hidden drainage with lateral slot
The hidden drainage system is made up of a channel and a slotted grating and does not break the visual aesthetics of the place where it is installed, as with the slotted grating the system is completely hidden.
Check out the photos that follow this text: that discreet line that you can see on the pavement is what I mean when I say that the drainage system is not visible.
At ULMA we have two models of slot drainage available:
Urban has an inverted "T" shape, supports a load class up to C250 and can be single or double slotted (to achieve greater hydraulic uptake).
In this case, as they are service stations, the grating must be suitable for the passage of all types of vehicles; in other words, they must withstand up to load class D-400, according to the EN-1433 standard.
That is why Bonpreu Esclat always chooses the Traffic or lateral slot grating model.
This slot drainage model has an "L" shape and supports a load class up to D400. In addition, it is specially designed to be installed in areas close to the kerb.
OK, so the drainage system is hidden by the slot drainage, it can withstand the load of all types of vehicles, but which channel is installed to ensure that the rainwater collection is effective?
Bonpreu Esclat has always chosen the MultiV+ system in widths 100 and 150. We have installed this channel and grating system in more than 15 Bon Preu Esclat hypermarkets throughout Catalonia.
But... why these models and not others? Well, for two main reasons:
Optimised V-section
The V-shaped design of the MultiV+ channels has been developed to drain water at a higher speed, thus improving the self-cleaning effect of the channel.
Their optimised cross-section provides greater hydraulic efficiency at extreme flows, making them ideal for channel sections without longitudinal slope.
If you want to know more, contact us.
Mechanical stability with 8 locking screw points.
Each metre of MultiV+ channel has 8 locking screw points. This provides greater stability and distribution of forces along the channel and the grating; by increasing the number of locking screw points, we guarantee greater safety and strength.
In short, the combination of MultiV+ technical channels and single-slot grating is a 2 in 1: high hydraulic capacity and discreetness.